I was at one of my dealers today and during our conversation the Salesmanager from one of the dealers other stores comes into the office and asks if we had heard about one of the sales guys parents. Apparently they had purchased a Borrego and had been in a VERY bad accident just a few days after picking it up. They were driving at the truck south for the winter to Florida on I-95 at about 80MPH near Roanoke VA, when they got rear ended by a CrewCab Dually Chevy. The rear end of the Borrego lost traction, and started swinging wildly back and forth, and the truck ended up going sideways and rolling over repeatedly. It was hit twice more by the Chevy as they rolled, after going over many times they ended up going off the road down a 30 foot embankment. At which point the truck started flipping end over end. The truck only came to rest when it rapped it self around a tree. In total they probably rolled over and endo’ed at least 20 times. The truck was so beat up, and it had hit the tree so hard, that when they went to winch the truck out the body actually separated from the chassis of the truck.
Why am I telling you this gruesome story?
Both occupants (two older people), just about walked away. While very banged up (mostly from there luggage and other property banging around the truck) the worst of the injuries were that the driver had a broken Sternum, and his wife ended up with a broken collar bone. They both claim they owe there life to the Borrego, and this feeling was backed up by many of the troopers who were on the seen. One of which commented that he has been on the force for almost 15 years, and has seen many wrecks. When he arrived on seen he thought for sure it was a fatality, and was very surprised to find the drivers alert and communicating. He told the owners, that for sure if they had been driving ANY other vehicle they would be dead. This trooper’s second surprise came when he found out the twisted wreck of a truck that had given its life to save its occupants was a Kia.
Now if that is not a success story about how Kia has evolved as a car company, I don’t know what is. Gives new meaning to the term “5 star rated”.
Jim Bigi
Kia Motors
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